red rider!

a phillm by

Ben Hickling, Eric Frankenberg, Ken Standley, and Jonathan Jirak

*note- this is a script to the original, live action version, so don't go telling us that it doesn't match with the animated version.


Scene: in Ken's living room. (ken walks on screen with crutches, eric kicks him over to show the opening credits)

Opening Credits:

Red Rider

who is little and may or may not wear a hood

a phillm by Ben Hickling, Eric Frankenberg, and Ken Standley

you should have known that.

Scene: in a back alley, somewhere far far away from here, Red Rider is seen in the foreground, Hunter (Hunted?) is seen in the background, playing bongos, and the WOLF (inside us all) is even further in the background, dancing and frolicking about.

I thought I was only delivering some goodies to my grandma,
but I much more!

Scene: Rider's house

Rider's mom
Rider, take these goodies to your grandma's house, you dig?


Yes, yes . . . YES! (leaves)

(WOLF enters)

Sign: The WOLF (within us all)

(WOLF eats mom)

Scene: Woods, Hunter (Hunted?) is in foreground.

(Hunter cuts down ax with a log)

And now for some thing completely the same.

(Hunter cuts down ax with log)

(WOLF walks up behind Hunter)

What are you doing?

(throws log at the ground) I never wanted to do this anyway. I wanted to--

(cut quickly to a close up of a magazine about killing millions of people)

Kill millions of people?? What does that remind me of?
Oh yeah, Grandma.(leaves)

Scene: in a remote back alley, Hunter is standing, looking very much at one with himself.

Hey, want to hack?


Rider & Hunter

Sign: Procrastination!

Rider & Hunter

(WOLF enters)

(Talking to the wolf)
Want to hack?

(WOLF tries to hack, but can't, so he gets mad and tosses the hacky sack away)

Scene: A long, winding road that Rider is walking down

(WOLF scurries across the screen many times)

(turns around, shrugs shoulders, and continues walking)
I'm gonna make it after all! (tosses hat into the air)

Scene: Grandmama's swingin, far out pad, man

Hey Rider . . . Hey, you ain't Rider! What is this!?

That's right! I'm going to eat you!
(After a brief struggle, WOLF eats grandma)
You want some? That's what I thought.
(Rider enters)
What you doin here?

Hey grandma, I brought some good... well, I don't exactly have the goodies right now.
Why grandma, what a deep voice you seem to be having!

The better to oppress you with, my dear.

(looking at the WOLF's shirt, which reads 'BITE ME' in big duct tape letters.)
Why grandma, what an unusually tame message on the back of your shirt!

The better to censor your thoughts, my dear.

Grandma, what the-
(rider is cut off, because the WOLF is attacking him)

Scene: the woods. Hunter is cutting down a large metal pole with a log

Rider (off screen)

(Hunter runs off to help)

Scene: Grandmama's swingin, far out pad, man

That's not your grandma!

No, Grandma, what happened to you?

You know very well what happened to me!

I'll have to defeat you with some . . . freestyle poetry!

small white monkeys
and a blimp made of led
drive down the streets that are paved with gold
in a 1984 Camero with no tires

Drowned in the pool of indulgence that you created!
(wolf is defeated) Ha ha! The capitalistic indulgence fails again!

End credits.

End Credits:

Red Rider! Starring Ben Hickling as the Rider

Also starring Eric Frankenberg as Hunter (hunted?)

Also also starring Ken Standley as the WOLF (within us all)

Thanks to: Jonathan Jirak, Axie, Mrs. Eddy and Danni

impossible pictures

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