impossible pictures
(possibly legal) music | moving | stuff | Red Rider | (technically illegal) music


most websites offer the user either audio or video crap. here at impossible pictures, we give the user both audio AND video crap. the audio can be found at either of the music pages, and the video part is in the red rider page. we also off plently of offline crap, like movies and whatever, but you'll have to contact us about that.
okay, back online. tripod let me edit the website again.  notice the new homepage picture, tha dogg father, givin us a plug. 

there's the not-anticipated-at-all new shockwave up now. that's exciting. it should be under 'stuff'. also, coming soon in 'stuff'... the animated Snooky Pookums.  It's taken long enough to film, so why not show on the internet in bite-sized episodic shockwave format?

there's also some new music under (possibly legal) music. stuff from Red Rider and To Kill a Mockingbird. Also, a never before heard ukulele solo by Ben and music from Snooky Pookums by Jonathan.

the technically illegal music page was just recently updated and is sounding very nice now.

but it's not like anyone we haven't forced this site upon will ever see it. oh well.


click for the alternate impossible pictures site, and eric's personal site.

click to see what eric has been doing in html.

click to e-mail eric.

homestead is poo